Serving Jesus Christ in the heart of East Kilbride.

COVID restriction changes March 2022

Update: given a recent update from the first minister these changes will now be delayed for up to 2 weeks. The decision was taken by the government due to a rise in cases and hospital admission in Scotland. This is why we feel it appropriate that we also delay our changes to help curb the rise in cases and hope this delay will be short.

We will of course keep the church up to date and will have a keen eye on the guidance and advice from the government and when appropriate will move forward with the changes as planned in our previous email. As always we realise the varied and sensitive nature of feelings we all have and thank the church for their continued support in these matters. If you have any concerns or would like to discuss anything please reach out to any of the Elders and we would be happy to help.


You will be aware of the plans the Scottish Government has on 21st March 2022 for changing the legal restrictions to ‘guidance’, this is inline with the decreasing risk of COVID-19 in Scotland. With this in mind and through prayer and consideration we plan to make changes to our current church procedures.

From the 21st March 2022 we will allow each individual to make a personal choice whether they prefer to continue face covering  within the church building. With this in mind there are various options for us but please be respectful and encouraging to each brother or sisters choice. 

We understand that there will be varying degrees of reaction to this news from anxious to elated. So please be aware of each others feelings and anxieties in the coming weeks and months. If someone decides to continue using a face covering then please be respectful and offer to leave a gap between seating. Have a mask available in a pocket or bag and if appropriate wear it during close or face to face interactions with each other.During communion we will once again pass the bread and wine one to another however it will remain individual portions. We will continue to have hand gel provided and would strongly encourage everyone to maintain a high standard of hand hygiene as we move forward.

Finally we have much to give thanks to the Lord for and more to bring before His throne of Grace. If you have any concerns or worries and would like to chat then please feel free to contact any of the Elders.

God bless

The Elders