Serving Jesus Christ in the heart of East Kilbride.

COVID ‘lock-down’ announcement – Changes to Sunday Services


You will be very much aware that a tighter list of measures, akin to our previous understanding of ‘lock-down’, have now been introduced across Scotland and indeed the whole of the UK.

As a church fellowship we have, with the help of our Praise Band and Technical Team, managed to produce and present Sunday morning Services for these many months, we are indebted to them and to the many and varied Preachers who have brought God’s Word to us.

Until this week we have been able to accommodate a very limited number of persons within the church building, band members and the technical team plus one or two others, all following the Covid rules.
However, following the First Minister’s announcement, the Elders met online yesterday evening and have decided that these numbers, limited as they are, can no longer be permitted until the present ‘lock-down’ measures are relaxed or lifted.

Our 11.00am Sunday morning Services will nevertheless continue but with a slightly modified format. Instead of ‘live’ Praise and Worship songs, we will make use of some previous recordings and other resources. Preaching will be a combination of Sermons recorded from the homes of the invited Speaker or if possible, from the church with only the Preacher and a technical person present.

Sunday evenings are via Zoom and therefore will continue unaffected. Mid-week Study Groups are encouraged to re-engage sooner than the planned February start date in an attempt to support and encourage one another through this new and unwelcome period of restrictions.

The Elders will make best efforts to keep in touch with you, however, as highlighted in our recent Sunday night studies from 1 John, we encourage each of us to be resolute in our care one for the other, particularly those within the vulnerable groups, our children and young people and those of our fellowship working within the NHS, Caring and front line services.

As always, we look to the Lord for encouragement and assurance during these trying days.

The Elders