Serving Jesus Christ in the heart of East Kilbride.

In addition to the Sunday services, there are various activites during the week.

House Groups

House groups meet each Wednesday evening* in different areas of the church for fellowship, Bible study and prayer. Please contact one of the elders if you would like to join one of the groups. *The Church Prayer Meeting is at 8pm on the first Wednesday of the month.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets every Thursday and Friday from 2-4pm in the basement of the church. Come along and enjoy a variety of activities from quizzes, snooker, pool, darts, bowls, table tennis and more or chat over a coffee. If you’re free then you will be most welcome. Donald Jamieson Men’s Group leader

Men’s Bowling Group

The Men’s Bowling Group meets every Monday from 2-4pm in the basement of the church. If you’re free then you will be most welcome.

Stitch Aid

This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm-3:30pm when the ladies get together in the upper room to knit, sew, crochet blankets and goods, chat and have a cup of tea together. They also enjoy some Bible Study together. They have a thoroughly enjoyable time but they do have a more serious purpose. The garments produced…


Prayer meetings are held in the church at 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Pray for Ukraine – we had special prayer meetings for Ukraine on 13th, 20th and 27th March at 5:45pm before the evening service. Any updates to these dates will be added here. For more details, see our news item Pray for Ukraine We also have a…


Connect is our ladies’ group who meet several times a year for fellowship and Bible study. The Connect ladies also organise coffee mornings and craft evenings. View upcoming events